A few days ago we took the boys out back to plant some sweet peas that our friends next door gave us. They were so excited to get to head into the garden. Once everyone was ready to “work” it quickly looked like it was going to turn into a “city job”, you know the kind were there are 3 workers and 1 shovel!
After some careful supervision and instruction we were ready to get our hands dirty.
First up was Brandon. Just need to get the seeds into the hole and then fill it up with dirt, pretty simple right…
Whoa, all this manual labour is making me a little light headed, I better sit down and take a break before I…
After Brandon had his posterior planted he was done with um planting so Owen took over. Mom helped a little and then set him free to keep planting on his own.
Owen really enjoyed working with the seeds and soil. It was extra cool because this week they got to plant seeds at daycare and have their own plants growing right in the room. Owen wanted to bring it home today but we told him it had to stay a little longer. He cried and was pretty sad because he was so proud of his plant that he created…