Today Owen turns 4 years old, Happy Birthday Owen! We were planning on doing a photoshoot of Owen to mark his 4th birthday but things took an unexpected yet pleasent 4 year old detour. Owen is a firecracker of activity and you will rarely catch him sitting still for long. This can make for a challenging shoot to be sure but it is always entertaining. Here he is showing me how to jump rope. Not quite what I had in mind for the shoot but when dealing with a 4 year old you sort of have to roll with the punches. I thought why not get him to hold a camera too, maybe he would sit a little longer and I could get something in focus.
Right off the bat he noticed that there was no battery or lens and he needed them to be able to take picture you know. So I ran off and grabbed a battery and lens so that he could actually use the camera, and I have to say I think he is a natural! Almost instinctively he knew what to do and snapped a few frames and then checked the back of the camera to see the results of his first few frames. Chimping ain’t easy you know.
Obviously he liked the feeling as his face lit up with exceitement! Maybe Owen could rep for Canon, how cute would that be. A little 4 year old prodigy in their ads.
This was the resulting shot, not bad hey. Of course I put the camera on aperture priority mode at 1.4 and cranked the ISO to 3200 so the grainy image is not his fault, just a by product of shooting with no light.
After he smiles big, he puts the camera back up to his eye to take a few more frames… yeah now were talking!
We are now trading frames shooting each other working and it donned on me that this is probably the first photos I have of me in action. I have to say it is not pretty, I think I need to improve on my style when shooting 😉
I also happened to notice Owen’s preference for shooting using the left eye in the viewfinder. At first he put his right eye to the viewfinder but then immediately switched to the left and stuck with it everytime he shot. The lucky kid will get to put Joe McNally’s Da Grip to use!
So the photoshoot is now abandoned, well the session of Owen anyway, but Owen has just started his own session. We wandered the whole house looking for subjects. I was taking pictures of Owen taking pictures so we have a few here of my perspective of Owen and then his resluting shot. Pretty cool hey!
Some garden gnomes that were waiting to be release into the garden of korsan.
Himself in the mirror. I guess it is not just his dad who takes pictures of himself 😉
Then Owen switched gears and turned his attention to some details shots of his toys.
After checking off self portraits and detail shots, I think Owen wanted to show his versatility and do some portrait work.
and last but certainly not least Mom
Happy 4th birthday Owen! We are so proud of the little man that you have become and daddy is looking forward to a little help on my next shoot!
For full details of what our Owen has been up to this past year check out Angelas blog at Korsan Crew
Editors Note: aside from adding a blog watermark the images from Owen’s camera have not been processed in any way.